The Expectant Mother’s Essential Baby Items Checklist

October 16, 2017

The Expectant Mother’s Essential Baby Items Checklist

Health and Nutrition for Mother and Child

Your baby items list should include items that help your newborn stay healthy as well as items that provide you with the nutrients your body needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding:

  • Vitamins and supplements. Talk to your doctor about vitamins and supplements that are safe for you to take. These items help ensure that you get the nutrients you and your baby need during pregnancy and the nutrients your newborn needs for healthy growth and development in those crucial first weeks.
  • First aid supplies. Look for a first aid kit made for babies or purchase first aid items separately and keep them in the same container for easy access. First aid items for babies include a digital thermometer, a bulb syringe for clearing your baby’s nose, and nail clippers to prevent scratches.

Diapers and Care

Diapers are not only one of the essential items to include on your baby items list, they are also one that you will need to constantly replenish. The following items will help ease the chafing that can come with frequent changing:

  • Diaper rash ointment. Diaper rash, which is very common, occurs when your baby’s skin becomes irritated from soiled diapers. Using an anti-chafe cream, such as Chasidim, can help ease skin irritation, making your newborn more comfortable.
  • Baby wipes. These wipes make it easier on you and the baby when changing diapers. Look for unscented wipes that are made for sensitive skin, which helps reduce the risk of irritating your baby’s skin.

Adaptable Clothing

Your newborn will go through a few different outfits on a daily basis due to soiled diapers, spitting up, and other routine accidents, so plan accordingly. Include the following items on your pregnancy checklist so that you are prepared for any occasion:

  • One-piece outfits, or onesies. These typically have snaps in the bottom area for easy diaper changes. Onesies are basic outfits that babies can sleep or play in.
  • Sleeping gowns or pajamas. Look for ones that are comfortable and safe for your baby to sleep in. Avoid gowns or pajamas that have ribbons or other potential choking hazards on them.
  • Shirts and pants. Choose shirts and pants that you can mix and match to create different outfits. Keep in mind that newborns grow quickly, so consider getting shirts and pants that are one size larger in addition to newborn sizes.

Toys and Soothing Items

Newborns spend a lot of time sleeping, but your baby will benefit from having toys around for stimulation. Consider getting one or more of the following items for your baby:

  • Musical toys
  • Rattles
  • Tummy time mat
  • Board books

Your baby might also experience discomfort while teething. Having teething toys available provides your baby with something to chew on, which can help ease teething pain.

The months of waiting can grow tedious when you’re excited to meet your little one, but you can use the time to get a step ahead and create a pregnancy checklist that will help you plan and prepare.